Friday, March 11, 2005

San Francisco

Last Saturday I went to San Francisco with two persons I had never met before, but who turned out to be charming. I have already told you a little bit about SF; let me assure you: I wasn't wrong, and I wasn't exaggerating. This town is truly beautiful. It has the same advantage as Perth: a bay. The presence of water must have a great relaxing effect on people, because like in Perth, San Franciscans are a relaxed and gentle people. But unlike Perth, SF is an international business centre, and I could see that very easily in the deserted business district. There, every block had its Starbucks, opened on weekdays, when masses dressed in black need their daily caffeine rush.
Which reminds me that Americans do not drink tea; they drink coffee, and plenty of it. Perhaps that is why they are such a fast people. Why they don't get out of the car to eat, and why time is constantly referred to as lacking.
Scroll down and enjoy these few photos.

PS: I am thinking of plans for next summer, and Madagscar has come up. Anyone been there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaaaah... Madagascar!!!!! I don't even have enough money to visit somewhere in my own state, let alone in another country! Goddamn it, when will you have normal holidays bumming around yourself driving yourself crazy waiting for uni to go back like the rest of us have to do? :)

Sounds like things are going exactly as you were planning and hoping they would, so good for you with that. As for me, I'm hoping that you have been able to tell that I haven't posted on my site for a while, and this is for several reasons, the biggest being I have no time. The second biggest is I have no computer in my house from which to access the damn Internet.

Not that there is nothing going on with me though. I can assure you, my life is steaming along, sometimes without me, and it gets kind of frustrating sometimes.

A couple of weeks ago Joey and I celebrated our one year anniversary; what an accomplishment for me!! *stands and takes a bow acknowledging the cynical applause* We are so happy together... just last night I made his parents dinner, and his whole family came around which was pretty special. His mum thought we were announcing our engagement, because we don't get together that often (and it shows you how often they think I cook!).

Um, the new house is going along fine, but I keep just running out of time to do things. Everything seems to get away from me; there are people who I promised to call three weeks ago and just never did. On the plus side, I have a meeting on Thursday with an engineer friend of my dad who is working on the Green Bridge at Dutton Park, which sounds pretty promising for vacation work (and if I got to work there it would mean that I wouldn't have to travel very far).

So yeah, I think that is all that's going on with me at the moment...

Anyways, when are you due back here?

Take it easy (I know you won't, but anyway...),


(Ps. How's the love life going - you know I love getting updates on yours now mine is boring!!)